Wednesday, September 23, 2015


    Vacation, moving, and not having internet service has kept me away for QUITE some time.  But we finally have internet set up at our new house as of today.  Some cool things that have happened in my blogging absence are..
  1.  I moved.  (Unless you didn't get that yet)
  2.  I got a new job at a local store.  Its a small store and I work with awesome people and our customers are generally very nice as well.
  3.  We have a family of bears living near our new house that we see periodically.  Its pretty special.
  4.  I just started school again.
  5.  I am not doing any dog training over this winter cause its not working well with everything else I have going on.
  6.  I am writing a novel this year.  Its one of the classes I'm taking through school.  So i'll have a novel written by the end of the school year.

   Now I have to go do homework.  I look forward to posting again.  Remember, I love comments!  :)