Monday, June 15, 2015

My weekend.

    Sorry for the absence of posts for the last couple days.  I don't have my phone right now and I just quit work so I sort of lost blogging inspiration.  Yesterday we had a yard sale.  It was a lot of work for not very much money and we probably wont do it again.  Today my mom has been running around donating the stuff that we couldn't sell.  :P  And I'm trying to sell off my excess rabbit supplies since I am quitting as a rabbit breeder and just keeping 5 rabbits.  Also, we have to move out of our house by the end of August.  We are all sort of stressed out about that and trying to decide where we are moving and find a house.   I am wrapping up my intermediate training course and  thought I would share pictures of the dogs I have been training for the past 2 months.  They are doing great and I have a little awards ceremony planned for them with certificates of achievement and dog toys when they finish the course this coming Friday.

Duncan with Rex

Lee with Katie

Me with Lila

Taylor with Lady 

Bethie with Lillian Rose

    Now that I quit most of my work to prepare for moving I am working out a lot at our local recreation center.  I really hate being sedentary so I've been doing zumba, agua zumba, and I started yoga today.  I did a cycling class this morning and it was SUPER hard.  I'm not sure if I'm going back.  I enjoy the other classes more.

Here are pictures of my two last rabbits that I am trying to sell before we move.

Prince Charming.  He's bigger than this now but I love this picture of him.  He was the best rabbit of my first Mini Rex litter and he is super sweet.  But its time for him to go.

Rosie.  I just got this super gorgeous girl at the rabbit show in February.  She is really awesome but didn't make it into the 5 we are keeping.  I'm hoping to find her an awesome home.  She would make a good kids rabbit cause she is so calm.

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